
Tomsk State University



簽約單位 對方簽約單位 合約種類 簽約日 到期日 狀態
電機資訊學院 無線電物理學院 母約 2013-07-24 2016-07-24 expired
合約中文: 合約英文: Letter of Intents between College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of National Taiwan University (NTU) and Faculty of Radiophysics of Tomsk State University (TSU)
電機資訊學院 無線電物理學院 交換學生 2013-07-24 2016-07-24 expired
合約中文: 合約英文: Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Students between the Faculty of Radiophysics, Tomsk State University and the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Taiwan University
電機資訊學院 放射物理學院 交換學生,其他 2016-07-24 2019-07-24 expired
合約中文: 合約英文: Renewal Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Students between The Faculty of Radiophysics Tomsk State University and The College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science National Taiwan University