
Iran University of Science and Technology



簽約單位 對方簽約單位 合約種類 簽約日 到期日 狀態
School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomechanics 母約 2011-05-02 2026-05-02 active
合約中文: Agreement on Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between Iran University of Science and Technology School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomechanics and National Taiwan University College of Engineering and College of Medicine Institute of Biomedical Engineering 合約英文: Agreement on Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between Iran University of Science and Technology School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomechanics and National Taiwan University College of Engineering and College of Medicine Institute of Biomedical Engineering
機械工程學系 交換學生 2011-05-02 2026-05-02 active
合約中文: Memorandum of Understanding on Student Exchange Program between Iran University of Science and Technology School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomechanics and National Taiwan University College of Engineering and College of Medicine Institute of Biomedical Engineering 合約英文: Memorandum of Understanding on Student Exchange Program between Iran University of Science and Technology School of Mechanical Engineering Department of Biomechanics and National Taiwan University College of Engineering and College of Medicine Institute of Biomedical Engineering