The Biodiversity, Agriculture, and Culture of Taiwan (in short BACT) program provides an opportunity for international and NTU local students to learn about the valuable biodiversity, intensive agriculture and Asian culture in Taiwan. The 4-credit program is divided into four parts, namely lectures, institution visits or field trip, hands-on practice and team project. The most attractive part of the program is that you will have the chance to travel around Taiwan and see by yourself the transition of the scenery (tropical to temperate, city to nature, sea to mountains) from the 0 to 3,400 meters high elevation. Join us!

2025 Summer+ Programs
Biodiversity, Agriculture, and Culture of Taiwan (June 23 - July 22, 2025)

■ Get to know Taiwan’s biodiversity, agriculture and culture
■ Explore nature from the coast to high mountains up to 10,500 ft high!
■ Visit National Palace Museum, Endemic Species Research Institute, CBA’s experimental highland farm, experimental forest, coastal cliff, aboriginal tribe etc…
■ Hands-on experience, such as stool making, Ruban rock, rice reaping, and harvesting
■ Fully English-taught with 4 credits offered
- Screening result and notification of acceptance: before March 31, 2025
All participants are responsible for: their own transportation from the airport to the NTU dorm. When participating in the program in Taipei, every two students of the same gender will share the same room with their own single bed. However, every two students of the same gender have to share the same bed (4 people and 2 beds in general) when staying outside of Taipei for about 2 weeks, particularly for BACT participants.
- Assessment on each application is always required before the applicants get accepted.

BACT program fee covers course materials, program T-shirt and bag, all the accommodation, student ID card, three fifths of meals, transportation in Taiwan.
ALRP program fee covers room fee and lab materials. Students are responsible for their own living expenses, including meals and transportation.
Refund Policy
The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
The program fee is:
- fully refundable if NTU cancels the program.
- 90% refundable if the student cancels the program before the start of class.
- 50% refundable if the student cancels the program before finishing 1/3 of the program.
- not refundable if the student cancels after finishing more than 1/3 of the program.
How To Apply
IF you are a student of our partner colleges which relate to Agriculture, such as ACES-UIUC, CALS-Cornell University, Agriculture-Purdue University (USA), Agriculture-Kyoto University, Life & Agriculture-University of Tokyo, University of Tsubuka (Japan), CALS-Seoul National University, and Dongguk University (South Korea), we need to receive the nomination notice from the staff of your university. Please see below their contact.
- UIUC: Director Ali Freter, ACES Study Abroad (freter1@illinois.edu)
- Cornell University: Ms. Jess Hawkey, Academic Exchange & International Engagement Global Fellows Program (cals-exchange@cornell.edu)
- Purdue University: Ms. Kara Hartman (kjkohlha@purdue.edu)
- University of Tokyo: University of Tokyo: International Student Section, Academic Affairs Division, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences (ryugaku.a@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
- University of Tsubuka: Dr. Junichi Abe (abe.junichi.p.gn@u.tsukuba.ac.jp)
- Kyoto University: Ms. Sakiko Imaeda (agri-ies@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
- Seoul National University: Dr. Dr. Sung Jin PARK (lutralutra@snu.ac.kr)
- Dongguk University: Ms. Yoojung Yang (crystal557@naver.com)
IF you are no the students from the universities as listed above-> Write to Mr. Jack Hsu (ntuciaeae@ntu.edu.tw) first before you apply and pay the application fee (USD 300). Mr. Jack Hsu will ask you to submit an application form. Then, the College of Bioresources and Agriculture will make an assessment on your application.
**Do not directly pay the application fee of BACT (US$ 300) until we tell you to do so.
Application Period
Before March 31, 2025
Application Steps
Contact Jack Hsu (ntuciaeae@ntu.edu.tw) first before you pay the application fee and program fee. We need to check vacancies as the program has a limited number of participants.

Contact Us
Jack HSU (Mr.)
Tel: +886-2-3366-4215