About NTUSA Program

About NTUSA Program

NTU Student Ambassadors (SA) are current students who serve as a representative of National Taiwan University. The Office of International Affairs (OIA) has been recruiting and training student ambassadors annually since 2007. Upon completing the training, SAs are qualified to receive foreign guests. By participating in NTUSA Program, students are able to acquire valuable experience in receiving international visitors, at the same time showcase the educational efforts of National Taiwan University. The recipients of SAs are usually university-level delegates, including presidents, vice presidents, and administrative officials from foreign universities. For more information, please refer to the details below. 





Basic Application Requirements

  1. NTU students (including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students)
  2. No nationality restriction (foreign students must have basic Mandarin language proficiency)
  3. Must be able to commit to executing tasks for at least one full year
  4. Friendly, generous, polite, and attentive
  5. Familiarity with NTU and the ability to introduce NTU to foreign guests



NTUSA Program recruits annually, and new candidates are usually selected in the beginning of Fall semester (September). Specific timelines are subject to the announcement for each year.

For NTU students who wish to apply for NTUSA Program, please visit the following webpage on our website: International Visitors and Scholars -> NTUSA Program -> NTUSA Recruitment

Job Tasks

  1. Reception of foreign guests visiting from various countries, including assisting with conferences settings, graphic and written documentation, and campus tours
  2. Reception of international scholars, including airport pick-ups and their initial settlement in Taiwan
  3. Support in organizing international conferences
  4. Support in various on-campus events and activities


Working Hours

For general reception of visitors, the primary working hours will be arranged from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon. to Fri., depending on the tasks. For receiving international scholars, the schedule may be coordinated based on mutual availability. However, airport pick-ups or international conferences may require duty on weekends or national holidays.

OIA staffs usually send out mission requests through email a week prior to the event, and SAs would reply based on their availability. SAs are encouraged to prioritize their classes and seize opportunities during their spare time.

NTUSA Cadres

Every academic year, cadres will be selected from all SAs in order to handle project planning and coordination for regular gatherings and other activities. After completing one year of service, cadres may receive benefits from OIA based on their time and effort invested in the work.


NTUSA Professional Training

  1. Intensive training: Newly appointed SAs from each cohort are required to participate in this training, which includes the following topics: regulations for NTUSAs, international etiquette and communication skills, campus tours, and NTU museum tours.
  2. Professional training: All SAs are required to participate in this monthly training during the semester, which covers the following areas: sharing of task experiences, improvement of work and language skills, discussions on project execution, etc.
  3. Projects: In accordance with the internationalization strategy of NTU, different promotional projects are planned for each cohort.
  4. Experience inheritance: Current SAs should internalize their experiences and pass them on to the newly appointed SAs.


NTUSA’s Rights and Benefits

Under the NTUSA Points System, SAs receive and accumulate points for completing tasks. Individual points are calculated at the end of each semester. Those who have completed one year of service can apply for retirement. Outstanding SAs who have demonstrated active participation in tasks and activities may request a recommendation letter from the coordinator of NTUSA Program at the OIA.


Maintenance of NTUSA Qualifications

Once accepted, students can serve as SAs until graduation.


Cancellation of NTUSA Qualification

  1. Failure to attend two consecutive days of intensive training courses.
  2. Failure to accumulate the required number of task points within a semester.
  3. Inadequate participation level.
  4. The sudden cancellation of assigned tasks.
  5. Display of inappropriate behavior during task executions.


Coordinator of NTUSA Program

羅渝方 Fiona Lo

Email: fionalo0201@ntu.edu.tw
Tel: (02) 3366 2007 ext 254


Other Student Ambassador Programs

  1. College-level Student Ambassadors: The reception targets for college-level student ambassadors are visitors at the college level, primarily deans, professors, and other faculty members from foreign universities. The College-level Student Ambassador Program is coordinated and managed by each college, and inquiries can be made directly to the respective college offices.
  2. NTU Medical Campus Student Ambassadors: This is a student organization authorized by the OIA of the College of Medicine. It is supported and guided by the college. Students from the College of Medicine or the College of Public Health can apply to participate. The purpose is to promote student involvement in international exchange missions and assist in receiving foreign guests visiting the medical campus. Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/NTUMCstudentambassadors


Online Resources

  1. International Etiquette - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  2. Tourism Bureau, Republic of China (Taiwan)
  3. New Southbound Policy Portal
  4. NTU Visitor Center
  5. Gallery of NTU History
  6. NTU Museums

Last update : 2023 / 07 / 10