巴黎薩克雷大學 University of Paris-Saclay

法語組 | |
1. | 本校大四/大五/碩一以上(不含博士生)學生。 |
2. | GPA 達3.00分以上。 |
3. | TOEFL iBT 90 (不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.5 或 全民英檢中高級,該校絕大多數為法語授課,僅具備英語能力者需同時具A2法語能力。 |
或 | |
4. | 具法語檢定成績 B2(中高級) 級以上。 |
5. | 不接受文學院之學生申請。 |
As we prepare for the 2025-2026 exchange program, we are delighted to invite you to our first Online Mobility Fair on November 14th, 2024 at 12.30. We are excited to showcase our university and provide valuable information if you are interested in studying at Paris-Saclay University.
During this online fair, we will present an overview of our institution, including our academic system, services, and the application process. Our aim is to ensure that students are fully informed and well-prepared for their application journey. Additionally, we will reserve time at the end for a Q&A session to address any remaining questions or concerns.
Here is the link for you to register to our event : https://forms.office.com/e/Py2W5Usnrh
Spring Semester: January - June
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應的系所及足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收。
- Website of incoming exchange student information
- Some courses are open for exchange students in all the departments
- The following information is intended for students coming to study in one of the constituent faculty of Université Paris-Saclay(僅具備英語能力者,請務必留意授課語言)
- Faculty of Law, Economics, Management (Jean Monnet Faculty)
- Faculty of Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Sport Sciences
- Polytech Paris-Saclay School of Engineering
- IUT Cachan (Cachan Technical Institute of Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, and Computing for Industry)
- IUT Orsay (Orsay Technical Institute of Computer Science, Chemistry, and Measures and Instrumentation)
- IUT Sceaux (Sceaux Technical Institute of Business, Administration, and International Commerce)
- Université Paris-Saclay offers French language courses, called "FLE" (French as a foreign language) for incoming international students. An intensive one-week course is offered at the beginning of the autumn semester in addition to weekly courses held throughout the academic year.
- Health insurance is mandatory in order to study in France. Non-EU citizens can obtain information and assistance on this web
- Université Paris-Saclay has many cultural and sports-orientated activities to complement
student life on campus. - The Buddy Programme is a student-operated association sponsored by the Head Office of
International Relations that enables incoming international students to meet French residents and other international students.
Not guaranteed but students can apply for housing. More information here.