京都大學 Kyoto University

日語組,Kyoto University General Exchange (GE) Program | |
1. | 本校大二以上/碩一以上/博一以上學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。 |
2. | GPA 達3.30分以上。 |
3. | 具日文檢定成績 1 級以上。 |
4. | 不接受醫學院之學生申請。 |
一般組,Kyoto University International Education Program (KUINEP) | |
1. | 本校大二以上(僅限大學部)學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。 |
2. | GPA 達3.30分以上。 |
3. | TOEFL iBT 79 (接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.5。 |
4. | 不接受醫學院之學生申請。 |
Fall Semester: September - February
Spring Semester: April - August
✔️ 該校年曆請參考此連結
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
- 交換生資訊請參考此連結及Fact Sheet(僅供參考)
- 課程資訊
- Faculty/Graduate School of Medicine do not accept exchange students.
- Master's or PhD students are not allowed to take undergraduate courses/subjects/units.
- Graduate students can take courses offered by Graduate Schools only. They cannot take those offered by Undergraduate Faculties.
- Graduate students can concentrate on their research without coursework if they prefer. Graduate students cannot mix coursework and research. They have to choose either coursework style or research.
- Minimum academic workload: 7 courses for undergraduates, 4 courses for graduate students.
- Levels of KUINEP courses:
- Although KUINEP students in principle can choose from every KUINEP courses regardless their year in Home University, we would like to remind you that, for proper choice of your students’ exchange destination, our KUINEP courses are mainly designed for 1st and 2nd year of the undergraduate students of the Japanese educational standards.
- Approximately 65% of the courses are targeted at 1st and 2nd year students and the rest are targeted at every student (1st to 4th). For the details, please refer to the "Target year" column in our Course Catalogue.
- Departmental Quota Limits
- Due to capacity issues, Graduate School of Management will not be able to host more than two students per semester from each partner university from Spring 2024.
- Insurance: Students have to buy Japanese National Health Insurance and Liability Insurance, totally around 30 US Dollars.
- 獎學金資訊請參考此連結、生活費資訊請參考此連結
- 經甄選錄取獲得本校推薦資格之交換生,須依照所錄取之語言要求(JLPT、IELTS或TOEFL iBT),來遞交交換學校之交換入學申請文件。例如:以JLPT語言條件取得交換資格者,須申請該校之一般交換學生計畫(意即以日語授課之課程);以IELTS或TOEFL iBT語言條件取得交換資格者,須申請該校之英語課程交換學生計畫(通常是國際學部專門開設給國際學生的英語授課課程)。
- 經甄選錄取獲得本校推薦資格之交換生,不得於取得該校入學許可後,要求變更已取得的入學許可條件;或者是交換申請被該校拒絕後,要求以另一種條件重新提出申請(包括但不限於:原先錄取日文授課計畫,改為英文授課計畫)。如有以上情事者,將直接取消其錄取資格,並受罰金及罰則約束。
- 若該校提供兩種或以上不同語言的交換學生計畫,交換生名額是分開計算,不同語言條件之交換入學申請,亦由該校不同的委員會審查。
- One on-campus and six off-campus International Houses of Kyoto University, and other dormitories are offered for international students.
- Application period starts around three months before their arrival. Students should apply by themselves with their own preferences through online system. Monthly rent is around 100-400 US Dollars.
- There are one on-campus and five off-campus International Houses of Kyoto University and other dormitories offered for exchange students. However, they are not guaranteed and are subject to availability due to limited housing capacity. As of Fall 2023, 70% of the exchange students were allocated a dorm room on a lottery-basis. We would appreciate your kind understanding on this matter.