關西學院大學 Kwansei Gakuin University

日語組,Japanese Language Track | |
1. | 本校大二以上/碩一以上(不含博士生)學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。 |
2. | 具日文檢定成績 1 級以上。 |
一般組,Japanese Language Track/Modern Japan Track | |
1. | 本校大二以上/碩一以上(不含博士生)學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。 |
2. | TOEFL iBT 79 (不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.0。 |
Fall Semester: Late September - Late January
Spring Semester: Mid-March - Early August
✔️ 該校年曆請參考此連結
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
- 交換資訊請參考此網頁、KGU Exchange Program Fact Sheet(僅供參考)及Brochure
- 課程資訊請參考此網頁
- Master's students are NOT allowed to take undergraduate courses/subjects/units.
- Workload: Exchange students are required to take more than 7 KGU credits per semester
- Estimated cost of Living
- Insurance: Every Japanese citizen and foreign national residing over three months in Japan is required to enroll in the National Health Insurance system, and voluntary withdrawal is not permitted.
- KGU-Sponsored Scholarships: Exchange students can apply for a scholarship through KGU along with their application to KGU. Applicants will be informed if they will receive the scholarship roughly a week before arriving in Japan. However, there are circumstances in which students may not be informed until after their arrival in Japan. Note: Please be informed that the number of available scholarships has decreased over the last several years, and that applicants should not expect to receive a scholarship. All students must plan for financing their exchange without the help of this scholarship.
- 經甄選錄取獲得本校推薦資格之交換生,須依照所錄取之語言要求(JLPT、IELTS或TOEFL iBT),來遞交交換學校之交換入學申請文件。例如:以JLPT語言條件取得交換資格者,須申請該校之一般交換學生計畫(意即以日語授課之課程);以IELTS或TOEFL iBT語言條件取得交換資格者,須申請該校之英語課程交換學生計畫(通常是國際學部專門開設給國際學生的英語授課課程)。
- 經甄選錄取獲得本校推薦資格之交換生,不得於取得該校入學許可後,要求變更已取得的入學許可條件;或者是交換申請被該校拒絕後,要求以另一種條件重新提出申請(包括但不限於:原先錄取日文授課計畫,改為英文授課計畫)。如有以上情事者,將直接取消其錄取資格,並受罰金及罰則約束。
- 若該校提供兩種或以上不同語言的交換學生計畫,交換生名額是分開計算,不同語言條件之交換入學申請,亦由該校不同的委員會審查。
Beginning with the Spring Semester 2024 intake, all nominated students will be eligible to apply for KGU-arranged accommodation. While KGU cannot at this time guarantee that all nominated students who apply for KGU-arranged accommodation will receive a housing placement, the KGU Residence Center will make every effort to accommodate as many students as possible.