墨爾本大學 The University of Melbourne

一般組,交換學生計畫 | |
1. | 本校大二以上/碩一以上/博一以上學生, Required completion of two semesters of full-time tertiary study outside Australia at the time of entry to the University of Melbourne。 |
2. | GPA 達3.00分以上。 |
3. | IELTS 6.5 (聽 6.0 讀 6.0 寫 6.0 說 6.0),Some department may required higher language proficiency。 |
4. | 不接受醫學院牙醫學系、醫學院臨床牙醫學研究所、法律學院之學生申請。 |
(限定交換第一學期人數 1 人)
(限定交換第一學期人數 1 人)
該校行事曆請見 University dates
Semester 1: February - June
Semester 2: July - November
- Welcome Day is typically scheduled a week prior to the commencement of the semester and attendance is compulsory for all incoming exchange students.
- Students are required to remain in Melbourne until all assessment items are completed. Return airfares should be booked for dates after the end of the exam period.
- 錄取一般組訪問學生計畫者,需自行負擔該校規定之訪問學生相關費用及住宿費、生活費、保險費、往返機票等費用。
- 錄取一般組訪問學生計畫者,須在本校註冊並於錄取報到時繳交計畫費2,000元,及本校學雜費1/4(一般生與延畢生皆依以上標準收費)。
- 墨爾本大學訪問學生計畫學費請參照此連結
- 一般生與延畢生皆依以上標準收費。
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應的系所或足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
- 交換資訊請參考 International Exchange,選課資訊請參考 Subject Information
- You may need to meet prerequisites for the subjects you've selected.
- Online instructional video for selecting subjects and completing the proposed study plan.
- Terminology:
- Course: The overall degree or program studied. (Exchange Undergraduate or Exchange-Postgraduate)
- Subject: A single unit within a course.
- 系所限制請參考 Requirements & Restrictions
- 每學期最低選修37.5 points學分;至多50 points學分 (3 to 4 subjects)
- 提醒申請人,請隨時關注該校網頁更新資訊。
- 訪問學生與交換學生權益大致相同,請先參考上述交換學生注意事項。
- 該校訪問學生計畫(Study Abroad program)請參考此網站
- 研究生身分可以參與postgraduate或research program
- 申請各院系所資格限制請參考此連結
- 申請流程請參考此連結
- 課程資訊請參考此連結
- Students should take a full subject load of 50 points (usually 12.5 points x 4 subjects) for one semester. The minimum enrolment for student visa purposes is 37.5 points for one semester.
- 生活開銷請參考 Cost of Living
- 保險相關資訊請參考 Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
- It is an Australian Government requirement that all international students studying on a student visa have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), from an approved Australian provider.
- Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will not be issued until proof of an OSHC policy purchased through the University of Melbourne or independently is provided.
- 簽證資訊請參考此連結
- 機場接送資訊請參考此連結
- 語言課資訊請參考此連結
不保障住宿,住宿資訊請參考 Student accommodation
Housing should be applied for as early as possible. Once the online application has been submitted, students can begin applying for housing using their UniMelb Student Number.