名古屋大學 Nagoya University

1. 本校大二以上/碩一以上/博一以上學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。
2. GPA 達3.50分以上,主修為化學或物理的學生,請務必留意注意事項。
3. 具日文檢定成績 1 級以上。
4. 不接受法律學院之學生申請。

⚠️ 注意:該校交換計畫相當競爭,即使全數符合該校申請條件,該校仍保有拒收之權利

Fall Semester: October - February
Spring Semester: April - August

✔️ 該校年曆請參考此連結



  2. 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
  3. 交換資訊請參考此連結Fact SheetBrochure
  4. 課程資訊:請參閱此連結此連結此連結,語言課程資訊請見此連結
  5. NUPACE is competitive. Please be advised that meeting the requirements does NOT guarantee admission to the programme.
  6. Due to the limited duration of their exchange and subsequent safety concerns, NUPACE Special Undergraduate Students and Special Graduate Students are generally not permitted to enrol in G30 courses with laboratory content. This applies, in particular, to the disciplines of Chemistry and Physics, as taught both by the School of Science and School of Engineering.
  7. Students wishing to apply for clerkships at the School of Medicine should follow application instructions on the NUPACE website carefully.
  8. Master (non-credit seeking students) and PhD students's student status at Nagoya University will be 'Special Research Students'. They will be required to write a research plan, but could include the undergraduate courses intersted in into the research plan.
  9. Minimum workload is 15 credits per semester (30 credits for one year). Special Research Students do not have this minimum workload as their main purpose would be to engage in research.
  10. 保險資訊: Insurance subscription is mandatory for exchange students: Health (¥1,700 per month) and personal liability insurance (¥1,800 per annum)
  11. Students who have special health (mental/physical) or learning needs are encouraged share the relevant information with this Office prior to their arrival in Japan.

Dormitories: Exchange students may be allocated to off-campus dormitory as well (5,400 JPY per month in commuting expenses.)