達姆施塔特工業大學 Technical University of Darmstadt
德語組 | |
1. | 本校大二以上/碩一以上/博一以上學生。 |
2. | GPA 達3.00分以上。 |
3. | TOEFL iBT 79 (接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.0 或 全民英檢中高級。 |
或 | |
4. | 具德語檢定成績 B2(中高級) 級以上。 |
5. | 不接受工學院醫學工程學系、工學院醫學工程學研究所、理學院心理學系、理學院心理學研究所之學生申請。 |
Academic Calendar
Winter semester: October to February (Orientation and language course in September, exams in February and March)
Summer semester: April to July (Orientation and language course in March, exams in July to September)
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應的系所及足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收。
- Website of incoming exchange student information.
- Course Catalogue: published in September for winter and March for summer semester
- Minimum academic workload per semester: 2 courses. We recommend exchange students (graduate & undergraduate) to take between 18 ECTS and 30 ECTS per semester.
- Students have the option to study in German or English. The main language at TU Darmstadt is German. A growing number of courses is offered in English though.
- Not open to exchange students: Medical engineering, Cognitive science
- Cost of Living
- A one-month German language intensive course is offered in March and September before the semester starts. Additional language courses are available during the semester.
- A German statutory health insurance is mandatory for incoming exchange students. The costs are approx. 130 Euro per month. In addition, a travel health insurance must be purchased when students already come to Germany in March or September. The statutory health insurance only starts in April or October. Further information for Exchange students from Non-European Countries can be found on our website.
- VISA application information
Off-campus housing guaranteed. More information here.