朱拉隆功大學 Chulalongkorn University

一般組 | |
1. | 本校大二/碩一/碩二(不含博士生)學生。 |
2. | GPA 達3.00分以上。 |
3. | TOEFL iBT 79 (不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.0 (聽 5.5 讀 5.5 寫 5.5 說 5.5)。 |
4. | 不接受電機資訊學院電機工程學系、電機資訊學院電機工程學研究所之學生申請。 |
- 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收。
- 各項交換資訊請參考此網頁
- Maximum load per semester: Undergraduates 22 credits (7-8 courses); Postgraduates 6 credits (2 course)
- Departments/programs/faculties/schools NOT open to exchange students: Education and Electrical Engineering
- The Politics and Global Studies (PGS) program has limited capacity.
- BBA program at Chulalongkorn Business School has limited capacity for Fall Semester.
- Exchange students majoring in Thai who wish to attend the Department of Thai in the Faculty of Arts are required to submit the results of a Thai language proficiency test. They must demonstrate strong fluency in all four language skills — listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, students applying to the Department of Thai are typically expected to provide a letter, document, or test result from their Thai Language Center or Thai Department certifying their proficiency in all four skills. We also recommend that the student write a Statement of Purpose (SOP) in Thai. This will allow the department to better understand student's proficiency in the language and assess their suitability for the program. Submitting the English Language test is optional.
- Please note that each program/faculty has its own requirements which all students have to abide to and they have to carefully go through these requirements. Some programs strictly require a language certificate but for some programs, language requirements are flexible. Thus, the OIA decided to recommend that all students have an IELTS or TOEFL score record as mentioned
- Exchange students are required to arrange their own insurance against illnesses and accidents covering the period of their stay in Chulalongkorn University.
- 生活花費:Total (USD) : 5,510;Accommodation : 2,100 (+ water & electricity fees)、Food : 1,500、Transportation : 500、Textbooks : 150、Insurance : 60、Miscellaneous : 1.200 (traveling, shopping, etc.)
- 簽證資訊請參考此連結