喬治梅森大學 George Mason University (GMU)

1. 本校大一以上/碩一以上(不含博士生)學生。
2. 學士生 GPA 達2.50分以上;
研究生 GPA 達3.00分以上。
3. 學士生 TOEFL iBT 80 (讀 18 聽 18 說 18 寫 18 不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.5 (聽 6.0 讀 6.0 寫 6.0 說 6.0);
研究生 TOEFL iBT 88 (讀 20 聽 20 說 20 寫 20 不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 7.0 (聽 6.5 讀 6.5 寫 6.5 說 6.5);。
4. 不接受醫學院護理學系、法律學院、管理學院企業管理碩士專班之學生申請。

Fall Semester: August - December

Spring Semester: January - May

✔ 該校行事曆請見此連結


  1. 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應系所及足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
  2. 交換生各項資訊請參考此連結、Fact Sheet請參考此連結課程查詢請參考此連結
  3. 交換生每學期最低學分數要求:
    • Undergraduates: 12 credits
    • Graduates: 9 credits
    • For Master's students, they are NOT allowed to take undergraduate courses/subjects/units
  4. Details on specific courses can also be found on individual departmental websites
  5. RESTRICTIONS: The following subjects are NOT available to exchange students:
    • Undergraduate Nursing courses
    • Courses offered at the Antonin Scalia Law School
    • BMGT courses in the Master of Science in Management Program
  6. HIGH DEMAND/LIMITED SPOTS: The following subjects are open to exchange students but may have limited availability due to the popularity of the program:
    • Undergraduate Computer Science courses
    • School of Business courses
  7. REQUIRED PREREQUISITE COURSEWORK: Students must show they meet any required prerequisites for each course they intend to register for.
    • For example, the course ACCT 311 - Managerial and Cost Accounting requires that students have already completed ACCT 303 - Accounting for Decision Making PRIOR TO their exchange program.
    • See University Catalog to see prerequisites
    • Additional note: It is not possible to combine graduate and undergraduate courses due to visa regulations. If you apply as an undergraduate student, you are required to take classes numbered 100-499; if you apply as a graduate student, you are required to take classes numbered 500 and above.
  8. Exchange students are required to purchase university health insurance, cost is approximately $1,000 per semester.
