奧塔哥大學 The University of Otago

1. 本校大一以上/碩一以上學生。
2. 學士生 GPA 達3.00分以上;
研究生 GPA 達3.00分以上。
3. 學士生 TOEFL iBT 80 (寫 20 不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.0 (聽 5.5 讀 5.5 寫 5.5 說 5.5);
研究生 TOEFL iBT 90 (寫 21 不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 6.5 (聽 6.0 讀 6.0 寫 6.0 說 6.0);。
4. 不接受醫學院、理學院心理學系、理學院心理學研究所、管理學院國際企業學研究所、管理學院資訊管理學研究所、管理學院商學研究所、管理學院企業管理碩士專班、生物資源暨農學院獸醫學系、生物資源暨農學院獸醫學研究所之學生申請。
兩學期2名。 (開放選擇 Semester 1 或 Semester 1+2)
Semester 1: February to June
Semester 2: July to November
Key dates: otago.ac.nz/news/events/keydates
Restricted programmes
The following programs are not available for exchange students:
Medicine / Dentistry / Psychiatry / Physiotherapy / Pharmacology / Pharmacy or any other clinical course / MBA / Wildlife Management / Master of Science Communication
  1. 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應的系所或足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收
  2. 交換資訊請參考:
  3. 學業課程等相關資訊請參考:
Course load
  • Exchange students are required to maintain a full-time student status while at Otago.
  • Minimum course load: 54 points per semester (three papers).
  • Maximum course load: 72 points per semester (four papers).
  • Entry to any course (except 100-level) is based on relevant academic background.
Students must sit their final exams while still on the Otago campus. Further information: otago.ac.nz/exams
Explore courses
Otago offers flexible study options with over 140 subjects to choose from! There is no limit on the number of students accepted to a particular course, entry to any course is based on relevant academic background.
English proficiency
Students are required to meet the English language requirements to study at the University of Otago. Please be aware that some programmes requires a higher English requirements. (i.e. Teaching, Social Work, Clinical, Dentistry, and etc.)
Insurance (mandatory)
  • Studentsafe-University is Otago's recommended insurance policy.
  • This is a comprehensive travel and health insurance.
  • Registration is automatic.
  • Alternative insurance policies must be assessed up to six weeks before you start at Otago.
Cost of Living
Please see Otago Living Costs for detailed information.
  • University Flats
    The University of Otago is renowned for its residential campus environment and you are encouraged to apply for accommodation in one of our University Flats (Uni Flats).
    All Uni Flats are located within an easy walk of the University campus and main shopping centre. Students share the cleaning and cooking duties and usually shop together for food.
    The residential fee includes the cost of your room, electricity, internet, bed linen, community events and the services of the Uni Flats team.
    All Uni Flats are fully furnished, including a basic kitchen setup.
  • Apply for University Flats accommodation
    In order to be considered for accommodation with Uni Flats you must first register and then apply online through the Student Accommodation Centre.