NTU Plus Academy Short-Term Program Student Advisor


National Taiwan University's Office of International Affairs (NTUOIA) organizes short-term programs annually for international students, offering 3–8 weeks of professional learning and cultural experiences. For detailed program information, refer to the NTU Plus Academy Short-term Programs webpage.

To help students adapt to the environment and engage with Taiwan’s cultural heritage while interacting with locals, we recruit and train qualified NTU students to be our Student Advisors to guide the international students enrolled in the programs. Student Advisors will support participants with academic and daily life assistance, facilitate program activities, and coordinate cultural tours. Compensation and labor insurance are provided during the working period.

Recruitment Information:

  1. Eligibility:
    -Current NTU students.
    -Experience in exchange programs or involvement in international activities is preferred.
    -Must be able to commit to program timelines and schedules.
    -Applicants should carefully evaluate their availability before applying. Consider your schedule before applying.
    -Passionate about international student affairs, with a sense of purpose, practicality, and responsibility.
  2. Required Skills and Qualities:
    -Excellent proficiency in both Mandarin and English (essential). Students whose native language is not Mandarin should have proficiency in Chinese (equivalent to at least CEFR C1; Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL): Level 5)proficiency in other languages is a plus.
    -Strong communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills; ability to independently plan and design activities.
    -Enthusiastic, friendly, attentive, and responsible.
    -Proficient in computer skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, web/video editing, or graphic design is preferred.
  3. Work Hours and Compensation:
    -Program preparation period (May-Jun) and completion period (Sep): 8–20 hours/week, with flexible scheduling.
    -During program execution (Jun–Aug): 20-40 hours/week, with flexible scheduling based on the event and individual class schedule.
    -Hourly wage will be based on the Ministry of Labor's minimum wage and labor insurance provided.
  4. Job Description:
    -Pre-arrival communication with program participants.
    -Arrange accommodation check-in/out, campus tours, and other welcome and farewell activities.
    -Serving as a teaching assistant.
    -Planning and executing activities (cultural activities, tours, one-day trip, and final presentation, etc).
    -Assisting with administrative tasks.
  5. Selection Process:
    -Complete the online application and upload the following documents in PDF format:
         1. Resume in Mandarin (one A4 page).
         2. Resume in English (one A4 page).
         3. Language proficiency certification(s).
              Mandarin proficiency certification (for non-native Mandarin speakers).  
              English proficiency certification (for non-native English speakers).  
         4. Statement of Purpose (one A4 page, in Chinese or English).
    -Application period: until March 18, 12:00 noon.
    -Applicants who pass the document review will be notified of the interview. Those who do not pass will not be notified.
    -Results will be notified via email by April 1, 5:00 PM.
    -Contact ntuplusacademy@ntu.edu.tw if you have further questions. 

Reflections from Previous Summer Program Advisors:

 2024年   陳昱寧 社工四      陳立于 外文二      黃品慈 會計三      馮家芃 公管四     黃郁齊 公管四

                 盂芙兒 外文三      黃品潤 公衛一      方佑恩 動科三      趙文財 政治一        

 2023年   劉⼦欣 外⽂⼆      劉映涵 會計四      郭姿穎 工管二      高綺秀 植微三     洪睿廷  材料三       

                 周梓齊 工管三      詹舒涵 工管三      李安題 政治四      蕭稘菦 生傳二 

 2022年   陳睿辰 工海三      黎印敔 工管五      黃于庭 圖資二      張庭毓 會計三     曾硯琳 法律     
                 梁沛慈 外文三      胡慈軒 戲劇四

 2019年   孫子貽 法律一      張詒嘉 材料三      朱紹慈 外文二      黃靖閔 法律一      彭鈺雯 工管二      

                 郭奕廷 政治二      楊騰億 政治四      王琳茱 外文五      葉佳姍 經濟二

 2018年   黃脩閔 法律      鮑虹蓁 工管二      郭珈妤 生傳      林硯萱 護理三      羅苡菱 工管二      

                 李宇爵 政治二      李宜盈 法律二      須予謙 政治三 







     8. Join us and expand your horizons! 

Last update : 2025 / 02 / 05