



Program Dates

Start Date

End Date

Spring 2021

January 29

May 6

Summer 2021

June 7

August 5

Fall 2021

August 27

December 2

On November 17, 2020, TWC announced that Spring 2021 semester will only be running Virtual Internship Program


  1. 本校學士學位生,大二以上(含),不限科系 

  2. 各學期成績 ( GPA ) 達 3.0

  3. 托福TOEFL (iBT) 總分 80分以上




1. 臺大行政計畫費新台幣$2,000。(於辦理訪問學生/暑期生身分時至國際事務處一併領取繳費單至出納組繳費)

2. 另須自行負擔住宿、機票交通費、保險費及其他個人開銷。(獲姊妹校錄取後逕向姊妹校繳交)

3. Program Cost


Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Fall 2021

Application Fee




Program Fee




Housing Fee




*$125 application fee is only for students enrolled in institutions outside of the U.S. This covers the cost of shipping materials via FedEx.

3. Health Insurance

All J-1 Visa participants must certify that they have a valid health insurance policy for the entire duration of the program to comply with State Department requirements. You will need to bring proof of insurance with you when you come to the United States to provide to The Washington Center.

Your policy must include the following:

  • Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness.

  • Repatriation of remains of $25,000.

  • Expenses associated with the medical evacuation to your home country in the amount of $50,000.

  • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.


※ 該校提供超過600個實習機會,姊妹校advisor將協助學生與企業媒合。


You'll work full-time Monday through Thursday at your internship, so you're on the job enough to do meaningful work and feel part of the team. Before you get here, we'll help you sort through internship options and connect you with the ones that best fit your interests, skills, and professional goals. When internship offers come in (yes, you might get more than one), you choose the one that's right for you. We work with more than 600 intern host partners, so we've covered you.

Evening Course
Once a week you’ll take an evening course. You get to choose one that suits you from a wide range of options. All classes meet for three hours one night, Monday through Thursday, but are otherwise like courses taught on your campus. In many cases, they have a direct relationship to the work you're doing throughout the week and range from politics and business to international affairs and communications.

LEAD Colloquium
Every Friday, you’ll attend our LEAD Colloquium. Through special activities, one-on-one advising with your LEAD instructor, and small group discussions with fellow TWC interns like you, you will contextualize what you learn at your internship and apply it toward a successful plan for life after college. During LEAD Colloquium, you’ll further develop your professional identity, make lasting connections and learn how to navigate the professional workplace. When you leave TWC, you’ll be able to use your newly acquired skills and knowledge to build a meaningful career.


TWC Housing

You’ll likely live in a two-bedroom apartment with three other interns. You’ll share a bedroom and a bathroom with one other student and your kitchen, living, and dining area with your two other roommates.(Spring/Fall: USD 6,290; Summer: USD 4,990)


※ 本課程要求學生辦理美國學生簽證(J-1),不適用免簽或觀光簽證,否則無法入境。
※ 簽證須由錄取學生自行申請與繳費。簽證手續及費用等相關規定請以美國在臺協會網站公告為準。


Application Deadlines

Early Deadline

Regular Deadline

Spring 2021

October 7, 2020

November 4, 2020

Summer 2021

February 17, 2021

March 17, 2021

Fall 2021

April 7, 2021

May 5, 2021

Applying by the Early Deadline allows you to hear from TWC sooner and be considered for internship sites with earlier internal timelines. Students who apply by the Regular Deadline will still have many great internship options, but some internship sites may already have closed.

Some internship sites have timelines that precede TWC's Early Deadline. These sites include most law enforcement opportunities, some positions in law/legal affairs and international relations, and various think tanks, government agencies, embassies, and museums. If you're interested in opportunities like these for Summer 2021, we recommend submitting your application in January 2021.

※請於姊妹校申請截止期限內完成Step1 & Step2

Step 1


  1. 個人基本資料(姓名/系級)

  2. 欲申請之計畫日期

  3. 學生證正反面影本(PDF檔)

  4. 在學證明(PDF檔)

Step 2

姊妹校線上註冊,繳交申請資料(請參考姊妹校網站How to Apply指示)

Step 3

- 錄取者將以依照出國研修期長辦理訪問學生或暑期生身分,以保留本校學籍出國實習(應屆畢業生須辦理延畢)

- 獲姊妹校錄取後,請將admission/acceptance letter提供予國際處承辦人劉小姐(frankdorlaliu@ntu.edu.tw,以利於出國前協助辦理校內訪問學生/暑期生身分。


The Washington Center Academic Internship Program


Frankdorla 劉文雅小姐/(02) 3366-2007 分機 231/frankdorlaliu@ntu.edu.tw

更新時間 : 2023 / 04 / 05