South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology


List of Agreements : College-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
College of Management School of Business Administration MOU/General Agreement 2012-05-09 2027-05-09 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與華南理工大學工商管理學院學術交流合作備忘錄 Title of the Agreement by english: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與華南理工大學工商管理學院學術交流合作備忘錄
College of Management School of Business Administration Exchange Student 2012-05-09 2027-05-09 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與華南理工大學工商管理學院交換學生協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與華南理工大學工商管理學院交換學生協議書

List of Agreements : Department-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
Department of Chemical Engineering School of Chemical and Energy Engineering MOU/General Agreement 2007-06-01 2027-06-01 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學化學工程學系 與 華南理工大學化工與能源學院 學術與研發交流合作備忘錄 Title of the Agreement by english: 國立臺灣大學化學工程學系 與 華南理工大學化工與能源學院 學術與研發交流合作備忘錄