Faculty Exchange Program

National Taiwan University (NTU) implements faculty exchange programs to embrace pioneering cross-border research and to empower international co-teaching. With networks of university partnerships, NTU as an innovator aims to bolster joint ventures of future to build impactful knowledge communities beyond geopolitical and cultural boundaries. 

If you are interested in exchange to NTU, please refer to the list of faculty exchange partners and contact your international office for nomination.

If you are a current NTU faculty, please refer to the following for 2025 faculty exchange program information.


-Current NTU full-time faculty members who will pursue a joint project with their colleagues at host departments or deliver lectures at host departments.

–NTU faculty members should have found a host faculty member at the host university upon application (a formal invitation is required).

-For those who apply for the faculty exchange programs, the planning of co-teaching and co-authored publications at national or/and international levels are detailed within application proposals.

Application Period

June 17 to August 31, 2024

Application Procedure

  1. Applicants shall complete and submit the application form including supporting documents (both paper and electronic copies), with the approval of an associated Department and College, to Office of International Affairs (OIA). If the applicant intends to apply for exchange period of more than one month, the approval from Personnel Department is also required.
  2. The OIA will compile application materials and submit to International Affairs Steering Committee for review. The list of nominees will be announced by the end of year.

Download application form: Word/ODF

Important Information

-The nominees shall be responsible for arranging visa, transportation, etc, and provide a copy of the itinerary before departure.

-The nominees must arrange courses and absence during the exchange period with affiliated departments/colleges before departure.

-Upon return from the exchange period, nominees should provide a report in accordance with the university regulation.

Exchange Program Information

*Nominees are provided with 1 round-trip plane ticket (basic economy class) for travel to the city of the partner institution by home institution.


Partner Institution Exchange Period and Stipend Details

Kansai University

Exchange Period:

- 30 to 90 days each; maximum 2 visiting NTU faculty members

-Visiting dates must be between April 1 and December 15, 2025

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides JPY 270,000 per month.

-Accommodation: the host university provides suitable single accommodation free of charge (including water and electricity fees).

-Other: the host university provides as follows: research funding no more than JPY 30,000 per month (actual expenses); commuting fee (only to/from Takatsuki Campus); lecture fee (if any) in accordance with the regulations of the host institution; overseas medical insurance expenses covered within the range of Kansai University’s partner insurance company.

Academic Areas:


*Per Kansai University’s request, applicants shall submit additional materials: research achievements, plans for lecture (including hours of teaching), language used in lectures, etc.


Kyoto University

Exchange Period:

-14 to 30 days each; maximum 2 visiting NTU faculty members.

-Visiting dates must be between May 1 and December 15, 2025.

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides JPY 5,000 per day.

-Accommodation: the host university arranges single accommodation. Its relevant expense is paid by the applicant. Kyoto University only provides single (one-person) rooms for researchers. 

Academic Areas:


QS World University Rankings 2024: Kyoto University/ No. 46

QS World University Rankings 2023 by Subject 2023: Natural Sciences/ No. 27

THE World University Rankings by Subject: Life Sciences/No. 40; Engineering/ No. 47

Accommodation Information:


* If nominees need to change the length of stay, they must inform NTUOIA and Kyoto University at least five months in advance. In such cases, the accommodation may not be secure.

Peking University

(Currently unavailable)

Exchange Period:

-1 to 3 months each; maximum of 3 visiting NTU faculty members.

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university will provide RMB 2,000 per month. The expense of accommodation is paid by the applicant.

RIKEN Research


Exchange Period:

- 14 to 30 days each; maximum of 3 visiting NTU faculty members.

-Visiting dates must be between April 1 and December 15, 2025.

Stipend Details:

-Living: NTU provides TWD3,000 per day.

-Accommodation: the host university arranges single accommodation. Its relevant expense is paid by the applicant.

Academic Areas:

RIKEN is the largest comprehensive research institution in Japan with annual budget of 100 Billion JPY.


Accommodation Information:


University of Tsukuba

Exchange Period:

- 1 to 3 months each; maximum of 2 visiting NTU faculty members.

-Visiting dates must be between April 1 and December 15, 2025.

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides USD 50 per day.

-Accommodation: the host university arranges single accommodation. Its relevant expense is paid by the applicant.

University of Hamburg

(currently unavailable)


Exchange Period:

- up to 31 days each; maximum of 2 visiting NTU faculty members. 

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides EUR 1,400 per month (31 days) and EUR 70 per day for less than 21 days.

-Accommodation: the host university arranges single accommodation. Its relevant expense is paid by the applicant.

Academic Areas:


*Each visiting faculty member has to provide at least one guest lecture for students and faculty members.  

Heidelberg University


Exchange Period:

- 30 to 45 days each; maximum of 2 visiting NTU faculty members.

-Visiting dates must be between March 1 and December 15, 2025; NTU faculty members are recommended to visit Heidelberg University during lecture periods (April-July; October-December 15).

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides EUR 600 per month.

-Accommodation: the host university provides suitable single accommodation free of charge.

THE World University Rankings by Subject: Life Sciences/ No. 32; Clinical and health/ No. 35; Arts and humanities/ No. 37.

Academic Areas:


University of Warsaw


Exchange Period:

- 14 to 31 days each; maximum of 2 visiting NTU faculty members.

-Visiting dates must be March to June and October to December 15, 2025.

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides TWD 600 per day.

-Accommodation: the host university provides suitable single accommodation free of charge.

Academic Areas:



Exchange Period:

-30 to 90 days; Faculty and PhD students are eligible to apply.

-Visiting dates must be between April 15 and December 15, 2025.

Stipend Details:

-Living: the host university provides JPY 5,000 per day.

-Accommodation: the host university provides suitable single accommodation free of charge. Utility charges are not included.


Office of International Affairs 

Josephine Chen

02-33662007 #214

Last update : 2024 / 07 / 18