University Clermont Auvergne

University Clermont Auvergne


List of Agreements : College-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
College of Management Faculty of Applied Languages, Business and Communication MOU/General Agreement 2007-07-13 2012-07-13 expired
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與法國柏萊斯‧帕斯卡爾大學應用外語、商業、傳播學院學術交流暨交換計劃合作協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for co-operation between College of Management National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan and Faculty of Applied Languages, Business and Communication Blaise Pascal University Clermont-Ferrand, France
College of Management Faculty of Applied Languages, Business and Communication Exchange Student 2013-02-11 2028-02-11 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學管理學院與法國柏萊斯.帕斯卡爾大學應用外語、商業、傳播學院交換學生協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: AGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGEbetween FACULTY APPLIED LANGUAGES, BUSINESS AND COMMUNICATION BLAISE PASCAL UNIVERSITYCLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE