City University of Applied Sciences (Bremen)
City University of Applied Sciences (Bremen)
List of Agreements : University-Level
Signatory Party (NTU) |
Signatory Party (Partner Institution) |
Agreement Type |
Signature Date |
Expiration Date |
Status |
National Taiwan University
City University of Applied Sciences (Bremen)
MOU/General Agreement
2004-06-16 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立台灣大學與布萊梅大學學術交流合作協議書
Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between Hochschule Bremen and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
City University of Applied Sciences (Bremen)
MOU/General Agreement,Other
1992-05-15 |
2026-06-15 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 中華民國國立台灣大學與德國布萊梅科技大學學術合作協定
Title of the Agreement by english:
List of Agreements : Department-Level
Signatory Party (NTU) |
Signatory Party (Partner Institution) |
Agreement Type |
Signature Date |
Expiration Date |
Status |
Department of Geosciences
Faculty 08
MOU/General Agreement
2016-11-16 |
2021-11-15 |
expired |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學地質科學系 與 布萊梅大學第8學院 學術合作協議書
Title of the Agreement by english: Memorandum of Understanding between National Taiwan University Department of Geosciences and University of Bremen Faculty 08