University of Warsaw

University of Warsaw


List of Agreements : University-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
National Taiwan University University of Warsaw MOU/General Agreement 2004-09-21 2019-09-13 expired
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與波蘭華沙大學學術交流合作協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration Between Warsaw University and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University University of Warsaw Exchange Student 2014-05-19 2029-05-19 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與波蘭華沙大學交換學生計畫協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Student Exchange Program between University of Warsaw and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University University of Warsaw MOU/General Agreement 2019-09-13 2029-09-13 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between University of Warsaw and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University University of Warsaw Other 2022-12-30 2027-12-30 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與波蘭華沙大學伊拉斯莫斯計畫協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Erasmus+ Programme Inter-Institutional agreement Action 1: Learning mobiloty for higher education students and staff
National Taiwan University University of Warsaw Exchange Scholar 2023-01-05 2028-01-05 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Faculty Exchange Program between National Taiwan University and University of Warsaw

List of Agreements : College-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
College of Social Sciences Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, the University of Warsaw MOU/General Agreement 2023-02-04 2028-02-03 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: Title of the Agreement by english: MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING between The UNIVERSITY of WARSAW Faculty of Political Science and International Studies and NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY College of Social Sciences
College of Social Sciences Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, the University of Warsaw Exchange Student 2023-02-04 2028-02-03 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Student Exchange Program between University of Warsaw Faculty of Political Science and International Studies and National Taiwan University College of Social Sciences