KTH Royal Institute of Technology
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
List of Agreements : University-Level
Signatory Party (NTU) |
Signatory Party (Partner Institution) |
Agreement Type |
Signature Date |
Expiration Date |
Status |
National Taiwan University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
MOU/General Agreement
2009-11-05 |
2029-11-05 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與瑞典皇家理工學院學術交流合作協議書
Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan University, and NTU, National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Exchange Student
2009-11-06 |
2016-10-20 |
expired |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與瑞典皇家理工學院交換學生協議書
Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Student Exchange between KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan University and NTU, National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
MOU/General Agreement
1997-11-27 |
2000-11-26 |
expired |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: General Agreement on Cooperation between Royal Institute on Technology and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Exchange Student
2016-10-21 |
2021-10-21 |
expired |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGE between National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan and KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
National Taiwan University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Exchange Student
2021-08-06 |
2026-08-05 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與瑞典皇家理工學院校級交換生協議書
Title of the Agreement by english: COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGE between National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan and KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
List of Agreements : College-Level
Signatory Party (NTU) |
Signatory Party (Partner Institution) |
Agreement Type |
Signature Date |
Expiration Date |
Status |
College of Science
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
1997-11-21 |
1999-11-20 |
expired |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: Annexe to General Agreement Between National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan and Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (KTH), Stockholm Sweden