Aoyama Gakuin University

Aoyama Gakuin University


List of Agreements : University-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
National Taiwan University Aoyama Gakuin University Exchange Student 2008-11-20 2028-11-20 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立台灣大學與日本青山學院大學交換學生協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Student Exchange between Aoyama Gakuin University and National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University Aoyama Gakuin University MOU/General Agreement 2008-11-20 2028-11-20 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立台灣大學與日本青山學院大學學術交流合作協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between Aoyama Gakuin University and National Taiwan University

List of Agreements : College-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
College of Social Sciences Aoyama Gakuin University Exchange Student 2013-07-19 2028-07-19 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學社會科學院 與 青山學院大學 交換學生計畫協議書 Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement on Student Exchange Program between Aoyama Gakuin University and College of Social Scienece, National Taiwan University