Aix-Marseille University

Aix-Marseille University


List of Agreements : University-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
National Taiwan University Aix-Marseille University Other 2010-07-15 2014-07-14 expired
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 歐盟伊拉斯莫斯多語言多文化獎助計畫備忘錄 (無中文版) Title of the Agreement by english: Erasmus Mundus - Action 2: Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: a linguistic approach to transition and identity (MULTI)
National Taiwan University Aix-Marseille University MOU/General Agreement 2011-11-29 2015-11-29 expired
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 國立臺灣大學與普羅旺斯大學合作協議書(MULTI) Title of the Agreement by english: Partnership agreement between National Taiwan University and Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I
National Taiwan University Aix-Marseille University Other 2011-07-15 2015-07-14 expired
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 歐盟伊拉斯莫斯第二行動「多語言多文化合作獎助計畫」備忘錄:東南亞與歐盟國家學術交流獎學金(無簽署) Title of the Agreement by english: Erasmus Mundus - Action 2: Scholarship scheme for academic exchange between South East Asia and EU Countries(MULTI)

List of Agreements : College-Level

Signatory Party (NTU) Signatory Party (Partner Institution) Agreement Type Signature Date Expiration Date Status
College of Engineering Polytech’ Marseille Exchange Student 2020-09-22 2025-09-21 active
Title of the Agreement by chinese: Title of the Agreement by english: SPECIFIC MEMORANDUM STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMME