Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
Number of Agreements
Number of Countries |
Number of Institutions |
Number of Active Agreements (Level: University / College / Department / Other) |
Number of People Participating so far |
Partner Institutions |
2 |
2 |
4 (
0 /
0 /
4 /
0 )
n/a |
Number of Programs
Number of Countries |
Number of Institutions |
Number of Active Agreements (Level: University / College / Department / Other) |
Number of People Participating so far |
MOU/General Agreement |
1 |
1 |
1 (
0 /
0 /
1 /
0 ) |
n/a |
Dual Degree (individual) |
1 |
1 |
3 (
0 /
0 /
3 /
0 ) |
n/a |
List of Agreements : Department-Level
Signatory Party (NTU) |
Signatory Party (Partner Institution) |
Agreement Type |
Signature Date |
Expiration Date |
Status |
Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
University of Rochester Department of Chemical Engineering
MOU/General Agreement
2002-12-12 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese: 中華民國國立台灣大學高分子科學與工程學研究所與美國羅徹斯特大學化學工程學系學術交流與合作協定書
Title of the Agreement by english: Agreement for Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between The Department of Chemical Engineering University of Rochester, USA And The Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Dual Degree (individual)
2018-10-01 |
2024-09-30 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: The Individual Double Degree Program Agreement for Co-Research Supervision of a Doctoral Thesis between the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University and the College of Engineering, National Taiwan University
Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Dual Degree (individual)
2023-05-09 |
2029-05-08 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: The Individual Double Degree Program Agreement for Co-Research Supervision of a Doctoral Thesis between the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University and the College of Engineering, National Taiwan University
Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering
Dual Degree (individual)
2023-09-25 |
2029-09-24 |
active |
Title of the Agreement by chinese:
Title of the Agreement by english: The Individual Double Degree Program Agreement for Co-Research Supervision of a Doctoral Thesis between the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University and the College of Engineering, National Taiwan University