FAQ - Online Application FAQ
You can find the requirements on the website of Application Requirements and Admission Quotas, https://oiasystem.ntu.edu.tw/admission/foreign/requirement/dept.list/id/38/fsemester/1/fdisplay/1?lang=en. By clicking the quota of each program, you can browse the information and requirements of each program. (How to Apply >> Degree Student >> 2021 September Entry >> Int'l Students
Under “Additional regulation,” if the department does not ask for any hard-copy, the application does not need to mail any. Just upload all the required documents to the system If the department specific ask for hard copy, please mail relevant document to the department directly.
After filling out the information and name of recommender, the system will automatically send an email to your recommender. Until then, the recommender will have 4 ways to submit the recommendation:
1. Fill in the online recommendation form (suggested option)
2. Upload the scanned recommendation letter
3. Send the recommendation letter by post
4. Provide sealed recommendation letter to be sent by the applicant
If the department ask for hard-copy, please ask your recommender to select one of the last two options, and mail the letter to Office of International Affairs. If the department does not ask for hard-copy, we recommend to fill out the recommendation letter on the Online Recommendation System.
If the recommender choose to fill out recommendation online, then no hard-copy is required. If the department you are applying to ask for hard-copy recommendation letter, please ask your referral to select "Send the recommendation letter by post" or "Provide sealed recommendation letter to be sent by the applicant" when he/she receives the email from system.
If the recommender chooses to have the applicant mail the recommendation letter, please find the envelope with the address of Office of International Affairs in the recommendation system and mail it to us.
If the recommender did not receive the notification email, please ask the recommender look for the email in the Spam mail box, if still can’t find it, please contact us.
It depends on the requirement of applied department, if the department asks for only one recommendation letter, then the system can only send one invitation out, two recommendation letters means two invitations, and so on. The system will not be sending out more than what the department asked.