加州大學 University of California (UCEAP)

1. 本校大二/大三學生,以報名交換學生甄選時,本校教務處學籍系統上之年級為準。選填志願前,請主動確認目前就讀之科系在UCEAP各校區中可以申請,並具課程要求提供已修畢之先修課程證明(如適用)。
2. 歷年不得有不及格/不通過科目。
3. GPA 達3.30分以上,選填志願前應詳閱「選課限制」區塊,且錄取後須即時備妥高中英文版歷年成績單及/或高中英文版畢業證書。
4. TOEFL iBT 90 (不接受 Home Edition) 或 IELTS 7.0。
5. 不接受醫學院、法律學院、生物資源暨農學院獸醫學系之學生申請。

  • A UC full academic year includes 30 weeks of instruction:
    • Three quarters (UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego) or
    • Two semesters (UC Berkeley and UC Merced)
  • A UC quarter is 10 weeks of instruction (UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego):
    • Fall quarter (mid-September - mid-December)
    • Winter quarter (January - mid-March)
    • Spring quarter (April - mid-June)
  • A UC semester is 15 weeks of instruction (UC Berkeley and UC Merced):
    • Fall semester (mid-August - mid-December)
    • Spring semester (mid-January - mid-May)
  • Before making travel plans, verify the mandatory orientation date at your host UC. We strongly advise that you do not make personal financial commitments, including but not limited to purchasing tickets/insurance or reserving accommodations, until you receive your DS-2019 for the visa application, confirm your consular appointment and are granted a student visa.
  • 各校區學年行事曆請參考 UC Academic Calendar
    • 各年度第一學期甄選為August/September Arrival
      • Berkeley及Merced校區為Fall Semester 或 Fall Semester and Spring Semester
      • 其餘校區為Fall Quarter only 或 Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter
    • 各年度第二學期甄選為January Arrival
      • Berkeley及Merced校區為Spring Semester only
      • 其餘校區為Winter Quarter only



  1. 交換學校一覽表所列之語言能力為該校之最低門檻要求,同學需自行確認語言能力是否符合該校修課要求、查詢是否有相對應系所及足夠的課程可供選讀、能否達到該校之每學期修課學分數要求、以及是否具備相關領域之背景知識,若未達標準,該校有權拒收。
  2. 因應UCEAP申請時程,通過校內甄選獲推薦至該校交換者,須即時備妥該校所要求之檢附文件(包括但不限於:高中英文版歷年成績單及/或高中英文版畢業證書、學分折抵證明及其原始成績、效期滿6個月之有效護照影本等,轉學生須另附轉學前學校之英文版歷年成績單),不得以準備本校期末考或其他個人因素拖延送件時間,要求延遲繳交申請件;有以上情事者將直接取消校內推薦資格並處以罰款。
  3. 交換學生資訊請參考此連結Fact Sheet(僅供參考)
  4. 課程資訊Applicants should check campus-specific links for the UC Course Catalog (descriptions of courses offered in the past) and the Schedule of Classes (list of courses offered for the given academic term)
  5. UCEAP開放申請之校區以該校線上申請系統為準,校內甄選無須選擇校區。
  6. 通過校內甄選後,獲選申請件仍須通過UCEAP審核及分配校區,經各校區正式錄取後才算具交換生資格。建議同學在選填校區之前先至UCEAP網站瀏覽各校區資訊(請見Discover UC) ,部分系所不接受交換生申請,同學需自行至欲申請校區之網站查詢,NTU Study Abroad無法提供系所審查、選課建議等協助。常見問答可參考此連結
  7. 通過校內甄選後,於加州大學線上申請注意事項請至 Apply to Undergraduate Programs 查詢。其中語言能力證明因UCEAP要求,須由考試單位直接寄送,不接受同學提供。
  8. 填寫UCEAP之交換計畫線上申請表時,需填選前三志願校區,校區分發結果公布後,同學不得要求更換校區分發結果。志願選填僅供UCEAP參考,該校不保障一定錄取前三志願若錄取校區不符預期,NTU Study Abroad無法向該校提出協調,請留意。校區分發規則可參考此連結
  9. 若因錄取校區/學期/期長不如預期,擬放棄本交換計畫錄取資格者,須依國際交換學生甄選簡章罰則規定辦理後續事宜。
  10. 因個人資料保護考量,NTU Study Abroad恕無法提供申請文件準備範例及建議。若有準備上的疑問,建議可參考學長姊心得分享。
  11. 具雙主修之同學,需擇一科系申請,恕無法同時交換註冊至兩個不同科系。
  12. Budgeting Information and Estimated Living Expenses/UC Costs
  1. 申請本計畫請先至各校區網站查詢該校是否有符合在本校就讀科系之相關領域,以免申請被拒或被分發至其他領域。請參考UCEAP網頁,主動確認目前就讀之科系在UCEAP各校區中可以申請
  2. 部分課程要求提供已修畢之先修課程證明(成績單),請同學務必遵守規定,切勿草率選課
  3. 如有同時參與研究計畫,或有減修需求,請務必事先告知NTU Study Abroad及UCEAP並獲得許可
  4. If a student is specializing in two majors at the home university, the student must decide which major will be a priority while at UC. If a student is applying to one of the popular UC majors, a student must be enrolled in a similar field of study at the home university.
  5. Academic workload: Minimum of 12 units per academic term; 13 units per academic term required at most UCB colleges. Most UC students enroll in 14-17 units per term. 
  6. In the UC system, biology, business administration, economics, engineering, and psychology require intensive preparation for coursework taught at the upper-division level (100-199). To be approved for upper-division courses, you must demonstrate to UC departmental advisors and/or instructors that you are sufficiently prepared.
    Use the search tool to explore UC majors. Majors are listed under the discipline with which they are most often associated. Some majors that have restricted enrollment are not open to reciprocity students and will not appear in your search and the majors below are not available.
      Except by special arrangement with selected partner schools, MBA courses are not open to reciprocity students.
    • DESIGN
      Medical education is taught in graduate schools which are not open to reciprocity students. If you are an undergraduate interested in these areas of study, see biology at all campuses and animal science at UC Davis.
    • LAW 
      Law school courses are not open to reciprocity students.  See legal studies course for an introduction to the American legal system.  See also complementary courses in political science, international relations, global studies and sociology. 
  • 不保證住宿。Campus-specific住宿資訊請參閱此連結,General資訊請參閱此連結
  • 各校區住宿申請條件不一,請詳讀該校寄出之相關資訊,務必留意申請截止日期,NTU Study Abroad不會另發通知
    • ​​​​​​​Students attending UCI for winter term only are not eligible to apply to on-campus housing, as the housing contracts offered are for the remainder of the academic year only (through June). Students who attend winter term only are encouraged to use Off-campus housing resources to search for housing. (20 Nov 2024 Updated)
  • 申請住宿有訂金保證之要求,若同學未完成此手續,則同學的住宿申請則可能被取消,請留意
  • 本計畫內所有學生都須購買健康保險,並會由錄取校區直接投保,費用由同學自行負擔各校區保險理賠範圍不同,詳情請至此連結查詢(> campus > Health Insurance & Requirements
    • All students attending UC are required to have health insurance and are automatically enrolled in a UC campus plan. The cost of insurance is applied to students’ individual billing account. UC insurance coverage and costs vary by campus.
    • Reciprocity students, like all new UC students, must submit immunization and tuberculosis screening records and should begin as soon as possible gathering documents for submission to their host UC.
  • 嚴禁學生校外工讀,若同學違反此規定,可能遭驅逐遣返並禁止入境美國,切勿以身試法
  • 學生或有機會申請校內工讀機會,但不應將此收入作為交換期主要資金來源