

While NTU has many partner universities, there are other universities appealing to students that do not have an agreement with NTU; or, the agreement quota of some of our partner universities is simply not enough to meet the demand. In light of this situation, the Visiting Student Program is introduced.

The Visiting Program is a fee-paying program that requires students to apply either through the Exchange Student Internal Screening Process or directly to the university. Students will study at the desired universities for one semester or one academic year as short-term/non-degree-seeking students. The right and obligations of a visiting student are, in most ways, the same as an exchange student except for the tuition fee. Visiting students will have to pay the tuition fee of both NTU and the host university.

Other than our partner universities, there are students who have successfully applied to top-notch universities like Harvard University and Stanford University through the Visiting Student Program, providing students with more options.



1. Participating in the Exchange Student Internal Screening Process

Applicant: all currently enrolled NTU students participating in the Exchange Student Internal Screening Process

Application Process: Add the universities that provide visiting student programs to the wish list of the Exchange Student Internal Screening Process and submit it.

Note: For both exchange and visiting programs: upon being nominated through the Exchange Student Internal Screening Process, students are eligible to apply for scholarships provided by NTU.

2. Applying to the visiting university

Applicant: all currently enrolled NTU students qualified under the regulation of a visiting university

Application Process: Students can reach out to the foreign university on their own and apply for the respective visiting program within the application period. After receiving the admission letter, please submit the letter to the OIA and we will assist with the administrative process.

Comparison between Visiting Student and Exchange Student Program

Program Agreement Internal Screening Process Quota Application Time Scholarships Fee Degree Obtain Credit Obtain
Exchange Student Program Signed Exchange Student Agreement required Compulsory Fixed quota Twice a year Eligible for scholarship application Tuition in a partner university is waived, but have to pay the Tuition and Miscellaneous fee of NTU No degree conferral Credits acquired in the host university can be transferred back to NTU
Visiting Student Program Not limited to partner universities Not compulsory No limitation on quota Anytime, depending on the selected program Not eligible for scholarship application (except if applying through Exchange Student Internal Screening Process) Tuition in partner university is not waived and will have to pay one-quarter of the Tuition and Miscellaneous fee of NTU

Attention: Fees for each program are charged according to Guidelines for NTU Students Studying Abroad (in Chinese only).

Last update : 2022 / 07 / 18