
The Grady Memorial Hospital Corporation The Grady Health System



簽約單位 對方簽約單位 合約種類 簽約日 到期日 狀態
藥學專業學院藥學系 美國格雷迪財團法人紀念醫院 母約 2017-06-01 2020-05-31 expired
合約中文: 合約英文: Memorandum of Understanding Between School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University And The Grady Memorial Hospital Corporation d/b/a The Grady Health System
藥學專業學院藥學系 美國格雷迪財團法人紀念醫院 母約 2022-08-01 2027-07-31 active
合約中文: 合約英文: Memorandum of Understanding between School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University and the Grady Memorial Hospital Corporation d/b/a the Grady Health System