
University of Occupational and Environmental Health



簽約單位 對方簽約單位 合約種類 簽約日 到期日 狀態
醫學院 大學院醫學研究科 母約 2010-04-01 2012-03-31 expired
合約中文: 國立臺灣大學醫學院與日本產業醫科大學醫學研究所簽訂教育學術合作協議 (無簽署) 合約英文: Agreement on Educational and Academic Cooperation between The Graduate School of Medical Science, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan and The College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
公共衛生學院 大學院醫學研究科 母約 2005-05-18 2026-05-18 active
合約中文: 合約英文: Agreement on Educational and Academic Cooperation Between the College of Public Health, National Taiwan University and The Graduate School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan