1. Subsidy Recipients
Postdoctoral Fellows who need to be formally hired by the Personnel Department.
2. Subsidy Method
(1)Arrange the postdoctoral fellow to serve as a course lecturer, for no more than four weeks per semester, with an hourly wage of 725NTD.
(2)The hourly wages of postdoctoral lecturers will be paid from the Course Subsidy.
For example: If the teacher receives a 50,000NTD Course Subsidy for the course, and invites a postdoctoral fellow to lecture for two weeks (6 hours total) in the semester, the teacher will receive 45,650NTD and the postdoctoral fellow will receive 4,350NTD.
Calculation: 50,000 - (725x6) = 45,650
(3)Intensive Courses by International Guest Lectures are not eligible.
For application information, please click here.