
Program Introduction

Visiting Student Program is designed for outstanding current students of overseas/partner institutions who wish to broaden their horizons while earning credits at NTU, one of the world's leading institutions of higher education. While enrolled as a non-degree-seeking but full-time student, you are permitted to gain access to and take advantage of NTU's fullest range of academic programs.

The duration of studies could be either one semester or one academic year.



Students that wish to apply for the visiting student program must meet the following requirements.

1.     Student Status:

  • Students must be enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students at an overseas university, pursuing a formal degree, and enrolled during the visiting student period.
  • Your home university must be included in the reference list issued by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C. You can find the reference list on this link. Please ensure that your university is listed.
  • Students who already graduated from the university are not eligible to apply.

2.     Citizenship:
Hold a foreign nationality. Those who hold a double citizenship where one is foreign origin are eligible to apply; however, those who hold only Taiwanese nationality are not eligible to apply.

3.     Language proficiency:
English language proficiency at least CEFR B2: For example, TOEFL iBT: 71 or IELTS: 5.5 
Chinese language proficiency at least CEFR B1: For example, Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL): Band B Level 3 or Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK): Level 5


4.     GPA Requirement:
A minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.


Term Structure of the Academic Year

First (Fall) Semester



Welcome Activities

Late August (One week before the class begins)

Classes start



Second (Spring) Semester



Welcome Activities

Early February (One week before the class begins)

Classes start



*Important: Admitted students are required to fully attend the welcome activities. 


Course Information

Restrictions or Requirements:

Visiting students are required to take at least 4 credits (or 2 courses) per semester. Students should also satisfy the requirements from their home universities.

How to search for NTU course information?

Course information for the First (Fall) semester is available in AugustSecond (Spring) semester is available in January. Before course information is announced, you may still refer to NTU Course Information to search for courses offered in the past few years for your reference. 

In principle, visiting students are allowed to enroll in all courses available at NTU with the exception of the restricted courses. We recommend you to check the list of Colleges and Departments at NTU before looking for the courses. For questions regarding a specific field or course, please contact the relevant department or the course instructor directly. 

Chinese Courses for International Students:

Visiting students can enroll in NTU General and Enhancing Chinese Course with credits. For more details, please refer to the page of Chinese for International Students >> General and Enhancing Chinese.

Restrictions or Requirements:

  • The College of Medicine only accepts 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduate students with high-level Chinese proficiency, but exchange students cannot enroll in the Department of Dentistry. Additionally, the College of Medicine requires students to take courses offered by their department.
  • International College, D-School, Center for General Education, and Department of Dentistry are not open for the visiting students to apply.
  • In regards to student status restrictions, please refer to the column "Limits on Course adding/dropping" for each specific course at NTU Course Information.



Application Fee

Program Fee

Tuition Fee

TWD 15,000 (approx. USD 550)

TWD 40,000 (approx. USD 1,450)

Vary by college and level of study, around TWD 50,000 to 60,000

One-time payment before the application deadline

Every semester before registration

Every semester before registration

Wire transfer or credit card.

Wire transfer or credit card.

Cash at a local convenience store, a post office, or the Cashier Division on campus.

Non-refundable once paid, including incomplete application, cancelation, wrong payment, double payment, etc.

Administrative fee to cover the expenses of this self-funded program.

Charged per semester; for students enrolling for their first semester, the fee is paid by wire transfer to confirm the acceptance to the offer of admission.

Non-refundable after the semester begins.

The tuition fee (international-degree-student rate) is collected by the University to make NTU's high-quality education accessible to visiting students.

NTU Network Service Fee (range from TWD 400 to 600) is included in the tuition bill.


  • International remittance transaction doubles exchange rate difference, and you will be charged twice by the bank. In addition, as there may be fees associated with the transfer of foreign currencies, please add accordingly to your payment to cover these fees.
  • We accept wire transfer payments in foreign currencies equivalent to the amount of New Taiwan Dollar (TWD). Please consult with your bank to determine the transfer amount as exchange rate may vary.
  • Visiting students are subject to ALL three fees above. These fees do not include the cost of living. Please refer to Accommodation (Off-campus) page for housing rates, and the factsheet for other estimated expenses.
Financial Statement
  • The University does not offer financial supports to visiting students. Applicants must document their ability to meet all educational and living expenses during their stay at NTU.
  • If you will be attending NTU on a scholarship, it is acceptable to provide relevant documents as a proof of financial statement.


Important Notice

  • For short-term programs in length of three to eight weeks, please refer to NTU Plus Academy.
  • For students who are interested in conducting research or internship projects under supervision of a faculty member of NTU, and do not intend to enroll in any course, please refer to "Research Visiting Program" as an alternative


Last update : 2025 / 03 / 11