
2024/2025 Fact Sheet for Partner Universities

2024/2025 Fact Sheet Download (PDF)


Students who want to apply for the exchange program need:

  1. Nomination
    • You need to be first nominated by the home university before applying for the NTU exchange student program. You can find the list of partner universities annexed in the Fact Sheet.
    • Please pay attention to the following:
      • If your university does not have a signed exchange agreement with NTU, please refer to the webpage for the "Visiting Student Program", which is a free-mover program.
      • OIA is only responsible for the application of the university-level exchange program. If you are going to apply for the college/department-level exchange program, please contact the relevant college/department office directly. You can find the College Contact Information under the link.

  2. Language Proficiency
    • You should meet either English or Chinese language proficiency at:
      • English language proficiency of at least CEFR B2. For example, TOEFL iBT: 72, or IELTS: 5.5 
      • Chinese language proficiency of at least CEFR B1. For example, Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL): Band B Level 3, or Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK): Level 5
    • For questions regarding the language proficiency certificate, please contact your home university.

  3. GPA Requirement
    • National Taiwan University requires a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. 

  4. Citizenship
    • You should hold a non-Taiwanese passport. Students of Taiwanese nationality alone are not eligible for the exchange program. Only students with dual citizenship, where one is of foreign origin, are eligible for the exchange program. 


Term Structure of the Academic Year

Please check the Academic Calendar for details regarding the starting and ending dates of the Fall and Spring semesters. 

First (Fall) Semester: From September to December
Second (Spring) Semester: From February to June
Orientation: One week before the beginning of the semester
Suggested date of arrival: please consult with the coordinator in charge of your region.  


Course Information

Credit Requirement
  • According to NTU regulations, exchange students must take at least 2 courses or 4 credits per semester. Furthermore, students should also follow the requirements of their home university. 
How to search for NTU course information?
  • The course information for the First (Fall) semester is available in August; the Second (Spring) semester is available in January.
  • Before course information is announced, you may still refer to the NTU Course Information to search for courses offered in the past few years for your reference. For questions regarding a specific field/course, please contact the relevant department or the course instructor directly. 
  • Exchange students can enroll in most courses available at NTU, except the restricted courses. We recommend you check the list of Colleges and Departments at NTU before looking for the courses.
Chinese Courses for Exchange Students:
  • Exchange students can enroll in NTU General and Enhancing Chinese Course, which is a complimentary language course under the exchange program. For more details, please visit the page Chinese for International Students >> General and Enhancing Chinese.
Restrictions or Requirements:

  • The College of Medicine only accepts 1st-year and 2nd-year undergraduate students with high-level Chinese proficiency, but exchange students cannot enroll in the Department of Dentistry. Additionally, the College of Medicine requires students to take courses offered by their department.

  • International College, D-School, and Center for General Education are not open for the exchange students to apply.

  • Regarding student status restrictions, please refer to the column "Limits on Course adding/dropping" for each specific course at NTU Online Course Information.



On-campus housing is open for application but not guaranteed to all exchange students. Please specify your preference in the application form.

If you do not want to apply for on-campus housing, please arrange your own accommodation off-campus. You may refer to this page for some reliable resources to look for places for your stay.   

Accommodation Fee Waiver

If you are a student from the following universities that offer complimentary housing to NTU exchange students, you are welcome to enjoy free accommodation during your exchange period in NTU:

  1. Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  2. Soka University, Japan
  3. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

When exempted from accommodation fees thanks to bilateral agreements, you are granted the Guo Qing Dorm (IYC) Twin Share.



Scholarships are generally for degree students but the following scholarships might be available to exchange students:

-NTU Scholarship: Students nominated by partner universities with bilateral scholarship agreements may receive this scholarship for up to 5 months per semester. The Office of International Affairs will confirm the scholarship nomination with the partner universities afterward.

-MOFA Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship: up to 4 months per semester
-MOFA Taiwan Semiconductor Scholarship: up to 4 months per semester (only available to 3rd-year undergraduates or above, master's students or PhD students)
The aforementioned MOFA scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students and the list of eligible universities may vary each semester. To be considered, students must be nominated by their home university. The Office of International Affairs will provide detailed information about the nomination process directly to the partner universities.



Last update : 2025 / 03 / 04